In July, we helped a veteran, #GaryRobbins at #Gary’sAdoptableDogs, build a small pen for the dogs he rescues. We appreciate our veterans and anyone who has a big heart for animals. A BIG shout out to #MarshaMcKinnie with #ModernWoodmanofAmerica for supplying the lumber. As always, we want to thank our crew who donate their Saturday to help the community. #GiveBack #BeKind #Volunteer
Get in touch!
Conway Remodeling and More believes in giving back to the community and we hire folks with our same values. Starting in 2020, once a month, we take a day and donate our time to help an individual or an organization in need of help. If you or someone you know is in need of a project that my team could complete in a day please contact us with the details.

For our community project in May, we teamed up with #MattCollins of #CollinsandSonRoofing to build a doghouse for the Faulkner County Animal Shelter. It will be donated and given away to the person who adopts their most “un” adoptable dog in the shelter. Thank you to our team for giving up your Saturday. #GiveBack #BeKind #Volunteer

In April, we repaired some damaged siding on the building of The Women’s Shelter of Central Arkansas. Thanks to #BrianLucey at #LuceyPlumbingServices and #VictoriaHarvey at #H2oPoolsandSupplies. As always, thank you to my crew at #ConwayRemodelingandMore. #GivingBack #BeKind #Volunteer
February 2020, after a couple of months of planning, it all came together. We partnered with Greg Hiegel, owner of Hiegel Building Solutions, and Tyler Stoner, the owner of RePhorm Property Restoration, to build a wheelchair ramp for an elderly woman living alone. Everyone pictured agreed to give up their Saturday in order to help someone improve their quality of life.
We can’t thank them enough. #GivingBack #BeKind #volunteer
In February we painted a food truck for The Harbor Home. We want to thank everyone who partnered with us this month.
Stephen Ardeneaux with #AmazingGraceRestoration.
Victoria Harvey with #H2OPoolsandSupplies.
Kim Slaughter with #TheBlueFocusMarketing is donating a sign for the food truck!!
And of course my staff at #ConwayRemodelingandMore.
We can’t thank them enough.
#GivingBack #BeKind #volunteer